chronic toe painFeeling pain in your toes when walking can make getting through your daily activities feel like an overwhelming challenge. Whether you're trying to keep up with your kids at the park, complete your daily workout, or simply make it through your workday or household chores, persistent toe pain can significantly impact your quality of life.

At Alliance Foot & Ankle Specialists in Tarrant County, Texas, we understand how frustrating and limiting chronic toe pain can be, especially when it strikes while you are walking. Below, our skilled and empathetic podiatrists discuss what can cause your toes to hurt while walking and explain how this kind of discomfort can be treated. 

Common Causes of Toe Pain When Walking

If your toes hurt when walking, your discomfort could be caused by an injury or several different conditions. The underlying cause of your pain will impact what kinds of treatments may provide relief, so it’s important to see a podiatrist for help. Common causes of toe pain include:  


When the joint at the base of your big toe becomes misaligned, it can cause the toe to bend toward the other toes, resulting in a bunion. A bunion is a bump on the side of your foot that can become inflamed and be very painful, especially when walking or wearing shoes. Bunions typically worsen over time without proper podiatric treatment.


Hammertoe occurs when one or more of your toes develop an abnormal bend in the middle joint. The affected toe can rub against your shoes, creating painful corns and calluses. The toe becomes more rigid as the condition progresses, making it increasingly uncomfortable to walk. 


Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other types of arthritis, can affect joints in the toes. These conditions cause joint inflammation, stiffness, and pain that typically worsen with movement and walking.


Gout is also a form of arthritis that can cause toe pain. It is caused by uric acid building up in the joints. It often affects the big toe first. During a gout flare, the toe becomes extremely painful, swollen, and red. Even the lightest touch can cause intense discomfort, making walking particularly challenging.

Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a thickening of nerve tissue that commonly develops between the third and fourth toes. This condition can cause sharp, burning pain while walking, the sensation of walking on a pebble, and various forms of toe discomfort, including tingling, numbing, and cramping.


Capsulitis is a painful condition involving inflammation of the ligaments surrounding the toe joints, particularly at the base of the second toe. It can cause pain that worsens when walking or standing and swelling at the base of the affected toe.

Stress Fractures

Stress fractures are small cracks in the toe bones that can develop from repetitive stress or sudden increases in a person’s activity level. Pain caused by stress fractures typically worsens with weight-bearing activities and improves with rest.

Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail is a toenail that grows into the skin surrounding the nail bed. This can cause significant pain while walking, especially when wearing shoes. The affected area usually becomes red, swollen, and tender to the touch.

How Our Podiatrists Can Help: Toe Pain Treatment Options

When you visit Alliance Foot & Ankle Specialists at our Grapevine or Keller location, we will work to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your symptoms and lifestyle needs, as well as support you throughout your healing process. Depending on what is causing your discomfort and the severity of your condition, potential treatments and therapies may include: 

  • Specialized stretching and strengthening exercises targeting the affected areas
  • Custom orthotic inserts designed specifically for your foot shape and gait pattern
  • Modifications to footwear, including recommendations for proper shoe types and sizes
  • Taping or strapping techniques to provide support and realign toe positions
  • Topical medications to reduce inflammation and discomfort
  • Therapeutic injections to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief
  •  Physical therapy protocols specifically designed for foot conditions
  • Targeted ultrasound therapy to promote healing and reduce pain
  • Laser therapy to help with pain management and tissue repair

When you visit a podiatrist on our team about your toes hurting when walking, they will thoroughly examine your feet, analyze your gait, and discuss your symptoms in detail in order to develop an individualized treatment plan specific to your needs. They may also use imaging techniques, such as X-rays or ultrasound, to visualize the underlying structures of your feet and determine the precise cause of your pain.

When to See a Podiatrist if Your Toes Hurt When Walking

All foot and ankle pain, including toe pain, should be taken seriously. Going to a podiatrist at the first sign of pain in your toes when walking can help prevent the development of chronic conditions. Rather than continuing to suffer in silence, it is in your best interest to be evaluated by a podiatrist. If you are in or near Tarrant County, Texas, we urge you to see one of the  experienced podiatrists at Alliance Foot & Ankle Specialists if you are experiencing any of the following:  

Persistent Pain

If your toe pain lasts more than a few days or keeps returning, it's time to consult a foot doctor. Continuing to walk while experiencing pain in your toes, feet, or ankles without seeking podiatric care can cause the pain to get worse and may lead to additional problems. Chances are that you’ll change your gait to try to alleviate the pain you experience when walking, leading to additional problems that will affect your entire body.

Limited Movement

When pain restricts your ability to bend or straighten your toes, this indicates a potentially serious condition that requires professional evaluation. A podiatrist can effectively assess your range of motion, determine the underlying cause, and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

Changes in Appearance

Any visible changes in the appearance of your toes, such as swelling, redness, or a new deformity, are sure signs that you should seek immediate medical attention from a podiatrist. These symptoms often indicate progressive conditions that respond best to early intervention.