Treatment for foot neuritisOur Tarrant County Podiatrists Help Patients Find Relief From Foot Neuritis

If you have a burning, tingling sensation in your feet that is impossible to ignore, you may have foot neuritis. This medical condition usually starts as mild discomfort but often develops into sharp, shooting pain that makes every step feel like you’re walking on pins and needles. Foot neuritis can make simple activities like going for a walk or standing for long periods of time a painful challenge.

At Alliance Foot and Ankle Specialists in Tarrant County, TX, our experienced podiatrists understand how foot neuritis can negatively impact your quality of life. We provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment to help patients find relief from neuritis and other causes of chronic foot and ankle pain. Here, we discuss foot neuritis and how professional treatment can help you get relief, so you can return to your normal activities.

What Is Foot Neuritis?

Neuritis of the feet is inflammation of the nerves that may result in burning pain, numbness, and tingling sensations. It can negatively impact mobility and quality of life to a significant degree. Inflammation from this condition can cause permanent nerve damage if left untreated, making early intervention crucial.

The pain from foot neuritis often feels like sharp, shooting sensations or a persistent burning feeling. Patients with neuritis may also experience numbness or reduced sensation in parts of their feet. Without proper treatment, neuritis symptoms typically worsen over time.

What Causes Foot Neuritis?

Neuritis symptoms in the feet can be triggered by various factors, including some that are activity-based and some that are systemic in nature. Common causes include the following:

Repetitive Stress

Repetitive stress on the feet, such as from activities that involve running or jumping, can lead to neuritis symptoms. Standing or walking on hard surfaces may also increase a person’s risk of developing this condition.

Trauma to the Foot

Some patients develop neuritis after foot surgery or a trauma that damages the nerves—such as a direct blow to the foot, a fall, impact from a sports injury, or an accident. Crush injuries, such as those from heavy objects falling on the foot, may compress or injure nerves. Even seemingly minor injuries like stubbing a toe severely can sometimes result in nerve irritation that develops into neuritis.

Medical Conditions

Some patients may experience symptoms due to systemic conditions that affect nerve health throughout the body, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or peripheral artery disease (PAD). These conditions often affect blood flow and nerve function throughout the body, including the feet.

Wearing Tight Shoes

Morton's neuroma, a common form of neuritis affecting the ball of the foot, often develops from wearing narrow or tight shoes that squeeze the toes together. This compression irritates the nerve tissue between the toe bones.

Key Signs You Need to See a Podiatrist

If you have lingering pain in your feet and ankles, it’s important to seek medical attention and treatment from the experienced foot doctors Dr. Joseph Harvey and Dr. Richard A. Nichols at Alliance Foot and Ankle Specialists. Key signs that you may have neuritis or another serious foot or ankle condition and should see a podiatrist for evaluation and treatment include the following:

  • Burning or tingling. If you have persistent burning or tingling sensations in your feet that last more than a few days, you should be evaluated by a foot doctor. These symptoms can worsen over time without proper treatment.
  • Numbness. Numbness or loss of sensation in parts of your foot may indicate nerve compression or damage. This can be particularly dangerous if you have diabetes, as reduced sensation increases your risk of unnoticed wounds and injuries that can become infected without treatment.
  • Shooting pain. Sharp, shooting pains that travel from one part of your foot to another typically signal nerve irritation. These symptoms often intensify during certain types of activities or when wearing certain types of shoes.
  • Gait changes. Changes in your walking pattern to avoid pain can create additional problems with your feet, ankles, knees, and back. A proper diagnosis can help prevent these secondary issues from developing.
  • Reduced function. Experiencing difficulty or pain with regular activities often indicates progression of a podiatric condition. Seeking treatment soon after you develop symptoms can help prevent you from developing chronic pain.

The Tarrant County foot doctors at Alliance Foot and Ankle Specialists begin with a thorough examination to determine the exact cause of your neuritis symptoms and any other foot or ankle pain you may be experiencing. This may include diagnostic imaging to check for structural problems contributing to nerve irritation. They will also review your medical history to identify any risk factors or underlying conditions that may be relevant to your foot pain.

Our Foot Doctors Offer Treatment Options for Foot Neuritis

If you have neuritis, your podiatrist will recommend an appropriate treatment plan based on your condition and medical history. Initial treatment for neuritis often focuses on reducing pressure on and inflammation of the affected nerves. Treatment can include the following:  

  • Orthotics. Custom orthotics can help redistribute pressure across your foot and provide proper support where needed.
  • Physical therapy. Exercises that strengthen the muscles supporting your feet while improving flexibility can help reduce pressure on irritated nerves and prevent symptom reoccurrence.
  • Pressure relief. Specialized padding and taping techniques can provide relief by taking pressure off specific areas of your foot. We'll show you how to apply these supports at home.

For persistent symptoms, we may recommend more advanced treatments. There are a number of non-surgical options, including cortisone injections, MLS laser therapy, neurostimulation, or specialized nerve block injections, to provide longer-lasting relief.

You Can Find Relief From Neuritis of the Foot

Don't let foot neuritis keep you from enjoying life. The skilled Tarrant County podiatrists at Alliance Foot and Ankle Specialists can help you get relief from this painful condition. With convenient locations in Grapevine and Keller, we're ready to create a personalized treatment plan for your specific needs. The sooner you seek medical attention, the faster you’ll take your first step toward pain-free walking and the faster you’ll be on your way to recovery.