Our library articles are carefully curated to provide helpful information on foot and ankle injury treatment and ways to help prevent future pain. Learn more about your condition in our free online library.
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What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?Plantar fasciitis is a common but painful condition affecting many of our patients. Learn about the causes, treatments, and preventative measures you can take.
Our Podiatrists Are Hammertoe SpecialistsThe sooner you see a podiatrist for your hammertoe, the less invasive the treatment will be. Call our hammertoe specialists for an assessment of your condition.
Preventing and Controlling Painful Gout AttacksGout is a form of arthritis that is caused by high-protein diets. Our expert podiatrists offer treatments to manage pain and prevent acute attacks.
How Do You Know If You Have an Ingrown Toenail?A minor annoyance can turn into a painful chronic condition without treatment. If you're prone to ingrown toenails, schedule an appointment with our podiatrist.
Gangrene Is a Serious Condition That Requires Immediate AttentionIf you have diabetic neuropathy, you must be aware of the signs and symptoms of gangrene, a serious condition that can lead to loss of a limb and septic shock.
Fall 2020 NewsletterLearn about back-to-school safety with the right shoes in this issue of our newsletter.
FootNotes Fall 2019 NewsletterFall 2019 Newsletter
FootNotes Spring 2019 NewsletterLearn how to enjoy pregnancy without foot pain.
FootNotes Winter 2019 NewsletterIn this issue, learn six tips for healthy holiday feet.