Changing podiatrists can be a difficult task. It’s not always easy to find one that’s the right foot and ankle doctor for your needs. While most podiatrists are competent and have good intentions, not all may be a good fit when considering your specific condition or preferences. 

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patient considering changing podiatristsWhy Change Your Podiatrist

With so many options, it can be difficult to find a medical professional covered by your insurance who lives a reasonable distance from your home and has an appointment available in a reasonable amount of time. Finding a doctor who listens, communicates effectively, has extensive experience, and is focused on your long-term health and well-being can be challenging.

You may schedule an appointment with a podiatrist and, after your first meeting, wonder if you’ve found the right doctor. You may be tempted to stick with your choice, but it’s okay to look further and shop for a medical professional who better meets your needs.

Our top-notch podiatrists at Alliance Foot & Ankle Specialists, Dr.Nichols, and Dr.Harvey, want you to know you don’t have to stay with a doctor who doesn’t meet your needs. Here, we discuss why you might want to look for another foot and ankle doctor.

7 Reasons For Changing Podiatrists

Some patients may feel they are being disloyal if they want to change doctors or podiatrists. This can be especially true after receiving a diagnosis or treatment and wanting a second opinion. But it’s always a good idea to listen to your instincts. If you need more information, further testing, or better communication, getting a second opinion or even changing doctors completely is a positive action toward ensuring you get the correct medical care.

1) You Aren’t Comfortable With the Recommended Treatment

One of the most common reasons that patients seek a second opinion is that they don’t feel confident in the recommended treatment. Perhaps the podiatrist recommended a serious surgery when you would rather try a less invasive option first. Or perhaps the doctor shrugged off your concerns and recommended a lifestyle change or Tylenol when you truly think you need more help. Either way, a second opinion can help resolve your questions about your podiatrist’s recommendation, whether it’s the same opinion or a different one.

2) Your Treatment Plan Isn’t Working for You

Some patients will try their podiatrist’s treatment plan, with or without getting a second opinion, only to find that it isn’t working for them. Perhaps you still feel significant pain in your feet and/or ankles. Maybe the treatment has unwanted side effects or you’re just not getting the results your podiatrist said you could expect. While talking to your doctor about other treatments is certainly valid, it’s also valid to seek a second opinion.

3) You Just Want a Second Opinion

Even if you feel confident in your doctor and the treatment plan, it’s still acceptable, and even smart, to seek a second opinion simply to verify the diagnosis of your treatment plan, especially if treatment includes surgery. Discussing your condition with another podiatrist can give you confidence and peace of mind.

4) Your Podiatrist Lacks a Good Bedside Manner

There is more to being a good foot and ankle doctor than diagnoses and treatment plans. You also must be able to communicate with and relate to your patients. Patients who seek medical care are often worried and concerned, and sometimes, their conditions are extremely sensitive and personal. A skilled and compassionate podiatrist will form a relationship with the patient and walk them through their treatment with thoughtfulness and care. If your doctor lacks a good bedside manner, you may want to look for care elsewhere.

5) You Have Trouble With the Podiatrist’s Office

Your podiatrist must employ a staff that also works well with the patients who come there. This medical staff should be competent and kind, and it should be easy to call and schedule an appointment. The staff should respond efficiently to your call and communicate with you in a professional way. They should also be able to answer any questions about accessing and navigating their client portal.

6) Your Podiatrist Doesn’t Have a Lot of Experience With Your Condition

Your podiatrist may have little experience with your particular problem or condition. If you know there’s another podiatrist who has significantly more experience treating your condition or who is known for their work with your medical issue, you may want to switch podiatrists.  

7) You Just Don’t Have a Good Feeling About the Office or the Doctor

You don’t have to have a definitive reason to seek a second opinion about your condition or try a second doctor. You may just have a bad feeling about the podiatrist and/or their office staff. You may not have a great connection with the people there, or you may notice something that makes you uncomfortable or uneasy. It’s okay to move on and try someone else.

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How to Seek a Second Opinion

Once you’ve decided to seek a second opinion, it’s time to get to work. Especially if you’re seeking a second opinion because the first doctor wasn’t a good fit, it’s important to research many podiatrists before making your choice. Here are a few things to consider when changing podiatrists.

Look for Someone Who Fits Your Needs

You probably aren’t looking for the world’s greatest foot and ankle doctor; you’re looking for a podiatrist who fits your needs. Perhaps you have a foot condition that this doctor has extensive experience with. Perhaps you need a doctor who takes extra time to explain medical issues or answer questions. Perhaps you need a doctor who lives very close to your home. Whatever makes a foot specialist “fit” your situation depends on your needs.

To find a good fit, look at the reviews and client testimonials of the foot and ankle doctor. Ask friends and family for referrals. Read podiatrist bio pages to look at a doctor’s experience and practicing philosophy.

Communicate Your Needs Clearly

It will be much easier to find what you need if you tell medical professionals what you need. You probably shouldn’t shop around for a specific diagnosis or treatment; however, you should shop around for a podiatrist who listens, who takes time with you, and who carefully makes treatment decisions with you as a partner in those decisions.

Let Your New Podiatrist Know You’re Getting a Second Opinion

You aren’t being rude by seeking a second opinion, and you don’t have to feel sneaky or awkward. Let your new podiatrist know that you’ve sought a second opinion, and be sure to share any diagnosis or treatment you’ve had. This process includes getting your medical records forwarded from your last podiatrist.

Contact Our Grapevine Foot and Ankle Doctors

At Alliance Foot & Ankle Specialists, we are happy to work with patients seeking a second opinion or just looking for a change. We also fully understand when prospective patients seek second opinions elsewhere or decide another medical professional better fits their wants and needs. We strive to form long-term relationships with our patients to get their healthy feet for life. 

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